Who would be your SKZ bf

Let's see who would be your Stray Kids Boyfriend! Answer this quiz and who would likely be the one to please you or tease you as your boyfriend! Enjoy

The following members from Stray kids are; Bangchan, Lee Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin, who's your type? Answer this quiz to find out! ~

Created by: Yurii
  1. Would you be pampered or the one to pamper?
  2. Would you like your bf to be friendly or lovely
  3. Would you want him to be spicy? Or innocent
  4. Would you want him to tease you or love you
  5. Would you rather have a boyfriend that would cook you and take care of you or a baby boyfriend
  6. Would you want him to be a golden retriever or a black cat
  7. How'd you want him to wake you up?
  8. Would you prefer him to cook?
  9. Would you want you to be his first priority or not?
  10. Silly or serious

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Quiz topic: Who would be my SKZ bf
