Which Stray Kids member are you most compatible with?

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This is a short 10-question quiz that will pair you up with one of the 8 members of Stray Kids which you are most compatible with. Suitable for all ages.

This is a fun and silly quiz, please don’t take it too seriously and get offended. I don’t want to assume anything about anyone but I have tried to make the quiz as accurate as possible based on research.

Created by: Hwangie!
  1. Can you handle chaos?
  2. What are your thoughts on height?
  3. What are your thoughts on hair?
  4. Which hobby would you pick?
  5. Your preferred type of date?
  6. Do you respect all your elders?
  7. Which way do you prefer to feel?
  8. Choose one word to describe yourself.
  9. Quick! Pick an emoji.
  10. Now pick one of these animals.

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Quiz topic: Which Stray Kids member am I most compatible with?
