Which PJO/HoO/MC character is your boyfriend? {GIRLS ONLY}

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Hello! I am a HUGE PJO/HoO/MC/ToA/KC fan! This is a quiz to see who your demigod boyfriend is, ladies! Who would love you most? Take this short quiz to find out!

Here is a little bit of me. I took other quizzes and, I got Percy himself every time. Make sure you are 100% honest to get the best answer for you. Hope you enjoy!

Created by: Alex_Magnus
  1. What's your favorite color? {IM SORRY! *Hides behind Percy*}
  2. If you were attacked, what weapon would your bf draw?
  3. What is the ideal date location for you?
  4. What are your traits
  5. What is your camp
  6. Ideal vacation spot?
  7. Element?
  8. One more question!
  9. Let's see your fate.
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Which PJO/HoO/MC character is my boyfriend? {GIRLS ONLY}
