Who said it: Trump or Harris (or Hitler)

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He said, she said, who to believe? Both presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, have blamed their opposition for spouting violent rhetoric.

Many people who engage in violent rhetoric are compared to Adolf Hitler. This quiz has quotes from Trump, Harris, and Hitler. Can determine who said what?

Created by: Jordana of Kako
(your link here more info)
  1. It doesn’t matter if you won or lost the election...You still have to fight like hell.
  2. They're poisoning the blood of our country
  3. ...is a threat to our democracy and fundamental freedoms
  4. Who says I am not under the special protection of God.
  5. You gotta get these people back where they came from. You have no choice. You’re going to lose your culture, you’re going to lose your country, you’re going to have crime the likes of which nobody has ever seen before
  6. I am the one who is going to save the country and they are the ones that are destroying the country
  7. In starting and waging a war it is not right that matters, but victory
  8. There are many who know it's wrong and then there are those who have the courage to speak out loudly about it
  9. The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.
  10. A patriot is not someone who condones the conduct of our country whatever it does. It is someone who fights every day for the ideals of the country, whatever it takes

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