How Authoritarian are you

In recent years, especially regarding Donald Trump, immigration, the alt-right, and Islamic terrorism, the word authoritarian have been thrown everywhere. Pretty much everyone on both sides of the political spectrum have be called authoritarian, control freaks, or fascist, but who’s right.

This quiz will hopefully help you know what authoritarianism really is and show how authoritarian you might be. You might also be able to put the ideas of those close to you or of political leaders (you might need to study about them more) and find out how authoritarian they might be.

Created by: Nobody
  1. Law and order is the most important part of any society
  2. Discipline and obedience to authority is the most important thing for young people to have
  3. Capital punishment should be considered more often than it is in our society
  4. We should be more tough on crime
  5. A one-party state is better for the country than a democracy
  6. Elections are only for weak people
  7. Government surveillance of its citizens and foreigners should be increased
  8. The state should regulate or restrict freedom of association
  9. Free speech should be absolute
  10. Gun ownership rights should be absolute
  11. Private property rights should be absolute
  12. The state have unlimited rights to control its people
  13. All decisions should inevitably fall to the people
  14. People should be allowed to follow their own beliefs
  15. People should be required to have total obedience to the leader or government
  16. The government should shut down all radicals and protesters
  17. The government should be allowed to censor the press and media if it speaks against the country or contain harmful material
  18. Society will be better off if people just accept their part in society and the state
  19. Criminals, the poor, and those defeated/captured in war should be subjected to slavery or forced labour to benefit the state
  20. Those able to work, but refuse to, should be reassigned a spot to live away from places where productive people live
  21. We should have concentration camps for prisoners and death camps for those set for execution or deem too unworthy of life
  22. Punishment is more important than rehabilitation
  23. Child abuse and corporal punishment is justified in some situations
  24. Police brutality and use of lethal or deadly force can in some cases be justified
  25. Murder can be sometimes be justified

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Quiz topic: How Authoritarian am I
