Who's your favourite Character from transformers prime?

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Want to find out who you favourite Autobot? Well try this Quiz will ask you about you Autobot. There are 10 Questions for you to answer about your favourite Autobot.

The bots I've put in are :Optimus prime, Bulkhead, Arcee, Bumlebee, wheeljack and Ultra Magnus. They are all open questions. And one day I might post a desepticon one too. Hope you enjoy this one!Have fun!

Created by: Amal
  1. So, Who's you favourite transformer?
  2. What's your favourite Weapon?
  3. Pick someones first letters!
  4. What's your favourite colour (s)
  5. Is your favourite character...
  6. Which desepticon do you hate?
  7. What's your favourite character's vehicle mode?
  8. Again, Who's you favourite Character?
  9. Again, choose the first letters of your favourite character!
  10. Do you like ...

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Quiz topic: Who's my favourite Character from transformers prime?
