Are you more like Optimus Prime or the Fallen?

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Transformers celebration time. With Optimus Prime or the Fallen, which one are you mostly like? Take this 13 question survey and see what you mostly are like for yourself?

Take it and see what are you going to be for transformers leaders? Autobot or Decepticon? Take it and see what you mostly are gonna be like for yourself?

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. Autobot or Decepticon?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. Are you calm or angry?
  6. Semi Truck or Not?
  7. High Class or Low Class?
  8. Yoda or Emperor Palpatine?
  9. Ultra Bee or Galvatronus?
  10. Glassman or Kool Q. comeber?
  11. Green Zone or Red Zone?
  12. Dream or Nightmare?
  13. Are you American?

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Quiz topic: Am I more like Optimus Prime or the Fallen?
