Who is your W.O.F. BFF?

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Hello! I really like Wings of Fire so I created this quiz! Personally, I would my BFF to be Peril. She's so cool! Although Clay is my crush in the WOF world.

This quiz is all about you! I'm not saying your BFF reflects off of you, more like they twing of a tiny piece of glass that is you. Your thoughts?????

Created by: NaChOs_123
  1. What is your personality?
  2. How do you like your salsa?
  3. What do you want the most?
  4. Favorite dessert?
  5. If you could have any car in the world, what would you drive?
  6. What's the first that comes to your mind?
  7. Pick your favorite:
  8. This will not affect your score
  9. NO
  10. Final question: Who do YOU want to be your BFF?

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Quiz topic: Who is my W.O.F. BFF?
