Which Wings of Fire character are you?

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Do you want to figure out who you are? Well come and pick out an answer to each question. Hopefully you get the character you like buuuuutttt idk if youll get who you like.

There is Starflight Tsunami Glory Sunny Clay MoonwatcherDarkstalker Winter Turtle Qibli. Sorry there wasn't enough space LOL anyways Press the button to do the quiz yay

Created by: Froghop
  1. What would you do if your friends went to a no rule no parent sleepover?
  2. If you were forced to fight someone what would you do?
  3. What would you describe yourself as?
  4. Would you rule your tribe if you could?
  5. LOL
  6. What do you do as a break?
  7. If you were going to murder someone would you?
  8. If you had animus magic what would you do?
  9. What animal?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Wings of Fire character am I?
