What type of character are you in Oblivion

The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion game is great, but one thing I hate is that I can't decide which person I want to pick. this quiz will help you decide based off of your personality.

Take the quiz, and find out what type of character you most resemble in The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion. All you have to do is answer the questions, and it will do the rest.

Created by: Harold Edwards

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  1. Someone offers you a chance to gain more money. It requires stealing something. What do you say or do?
  2. Which type of person do you like the most?
  3. Would you either look ugly but be able to naturally breathe underwater, or look pretty and be able to learn to breathe underwater magically?
  4. Would you be a fighter or a talker?
  5. If you wanted something, would you bribe someone to get it, or would you steal it?
  6. Would you live in the north where it's cold, or in the south where it's warm?
  7. If you were attacking someone, which way do you think is better: short distance or long distance?
  8. A man with special powers comes up to you and asks you: "I can give you one of three special powers. They are being immune to disease, being magically powerful, and being skilled and balanced concerning fighting." Which one do you take?
  9. Are you good in all skills, a talker, or a thief?
  10. Would you be white, black, an elf, or a monster?

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Quiz topic: What type of character am I in Oblivion