Who is your Harry Potter Soulmate?

Only male so no hate pls. If you get Draco, dm me for shifting scripts and how to shift or wattpad fan fiction. Thanks for doing the quiz! I only included the main characters.

If you liked this, please write a comment or send me an email for doing more quizzes about this. Good luck with this quiz! idk if you'll like this one.

Created by: Ari
  1. Which Hogwarts House do you belong in?
  2. How much bad bit$h are you?
  3. Favorite class...
  4. Who is your Patronus?
  5. Pick a first date location:
  6. Pick a creature to adopt together:
  7. Pick someone to officiate your wedding:
  8. Pick a name for your future child:
  9. Finally, who do you want to be your soulmate?
  10. Liked this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Who is my Harry Potter Soulmate?
