Your Harry Potter soulmate (boys)

Take this quiz to find out who your Harry Potter soulmate is. It could be Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Neville, Cedric or draco! Pick wisely!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look out for the girl and men editions of this quiz coming soon! :) ;) —the questions will be the same however the results will obviously be different

Created by: Charlotte
  1. What is your hogwarts house?
  2. Which type of boy would you rather date?
  3. What is your hair colour?
  4. How would you describe yourself?
  5. Freaky or vanilla?
  6. What’s your ideal first date?
  7. What’s your favourite season?
  8. Big or little spoon?
  9. Pick a type of transport
  10. Pick a pet

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Quiz topic: My Harry Potter soulmate (boys)
