Who is your Harry potter boyfriend!?

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Well there is not that much people that love Harry Potter and that their heart just make them like their heart is soft and warm. You can always count on Harry Potter. Please try my quiz to see who is your boyfriend!

I love Harry potter the movies and You will too. Please check this quiz Because it would show you who is your Harry potter boyfriend!! And I would love if you guys can look and follow my tik tok it is : ItzBrianny

Created by: Brianny
  1. What is your Favorite person?
  2. What is your Favorite rainbow snack?
  3. What do you like to do?
  4. Which room do you like the most?
  5. What Harry Potter Movie do you like?
  6. What pet would you pick?
  7. Who is your favorite singer?
  8. What is your favorite Color?
  9. What flower is your Favorite?
  10. WHo do you think you got?

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Quiz topic: Who is my Harry potter boyfriend!?
