Who is your Harry Potter Boyfriend?

Hi! This is a quiz to find out who your boyfriend will be if you were in Harry Potter. Don't worry, its not like one of those quizzes that gives you Cedric Diggory everytime.

I put a lot of thought into this so please read the question and answers carefully! Please excuse any spelling or Grammar mistakes. Anyway, Have fun taking the quiz!

Created by: Bababasheep
  1. Do you like baddies or gladdies?
  2. Are you ready to take this test?
  3. What would be your first date?
  4. How did you guys meet?
  5. whats one things that made you fall in love
  6. What's an important thing you look for in a guy and how do you guys fit together
  7. What house are you in?(Don't worry, this isn't a big part of the score, its just to put into consideration)
  8. What type of person are you
  9. Last question: Did you like this quiz? I put a lot of thought into it
  10. who's your girl bestie? (IN THE BOOK because Ginny has no personality in the movie)

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Quiz topic: Who is my Harry Potter Boyfriend?
