Who is Your Godly Parent? (Greek) (Percy Jackson Part 1)

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This is a quiz to see which Greek godly parent you have! I ran out of answer spaces, so you can only get Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Athena, Dionysus, Demeter, Hades, Hermes, and Hestia, I'm gonna make a part 2 soon, for the rest of the gods.

I hope you enjoy the quiz and don't forget to check for the part 2 if your results aren't that accurate. And please rate this quiz, and byyyyyyeeeeeeee!

Created by: Lavinia Oliveira
  1. What's your fav color?
  2. A stranger shows up at your home, what do you do?
  3. What element best describes you?
  4. We're gonna do some roleplaying now, you're in a large chamber and there's a chimera right in front of you, what do you do?
  5. you get a pendant from a random person at Camp Half-Blood, what do you get? (part 1)
  6. you get a pendant from a random person at Camp Half-Blood, what do you get? (part 2)
  7. Sun or Moon?
  8. What's your opinion on marriage?
  9. Where would you rather spend your weekend?
  10. Where would you spend your weekend? (part 2)

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Quiz topic: Who is my Godly Parent? (Greek) (Percy Jackson Part 1)
