Who is your Greek godly parent?

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This quiz tells you who your Greek godly parent is, chosen from the 12 main Olympians! (Well, not Hera or Artemis, obviously, because they don’t have demigod kids.)

I wanted to include Hades too, but the limit is 10 results, so sadly, he didn’t make the cut. I hope you have fun with it and enjoy finding out who your godly parent is!

Created by: Lilac
  1. You’ve just arrived at Camp Half-Blood, and you're trying to find your way around. A camp counselor asks you to help carry some supplies. How do you respond?
  2. You’ve finally been claimed after a few days at camp. What is your reaction?
  3. It’s a normal camp day. What do you want to do?
  4. What would your role be in a game of Capture the Flag at Camp Half-Blood?
  5. You’re tasked with helping organize a campfire gathering. How do you contribute?
  6. You’re in the middle of a long training session and everyone is getting tired. What do you do?
  7. You’re participating in a chariot race at camp. What’s your strategy?
  8. A new camper has just arrived at Camp Half-Blood. What’s your reaction?
  9. You’ve been picked to go on a quest. What’s your first reaction?
  10. The summer is over—what do you want to do?

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Quiz topic: Who is my Greek godly parent?
