Who in one direction has the same personality as you?

There are many people who are direction era that want to know who they are most like from the band one direction! A direction we is someone who knows a lot about one direction and loves them just as much as I do!

Do you want to know who you have the same personality as in the awesome boy band one direction? I bet you want to find out wether your perfect for your favorite!

Created by: Megtomlinson

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who only has 1 kidney?
  2. How old is Louis?
  3. What is the tattoo of that's on zayn's chest?
  4. What does Harry want his first kid to be?
  5. What movie did Niall cry during?
  6. What competition did one direction go on?
  7. What would liam do if he wasn't in one direction?
  8. Louis likes girls who...
  9. What is Harry's favorite drink?
  10. Who is your favorite?
  11. Who is the best singer?

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