The One Direction Stalker Quiz

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One Direction is the best boy band in modern times. But, there is a lot to know about them. There's the simple stuff, but then there's the stuff that only the true fans know!

Are you a One Direction stalker? I mean... when I say stalker I mean mega-fan! I'll admit... I stalk them, too! Do not fret, only true directioners like to stalk their favorite boys! Let's see how much YOU know about One Direction. Are YOU a One Direction stalker?

Created by: musicislife1018

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. I shall start with a simple question. How many members of the band are there?
  2. Which of the band members is from Doncaster,England?
  3. Are all of the members from the same country?
  4. When is Harry's birthday?
  5. Who loves chocolate?
  6. What toothpaste do they all use?
  7. What is Niall's favorite restaurant?
  8. Who did Louis say was the "funny one" in the video diaries?
  9. Why were the boys hyper in the last X Factor video diary?
  10. What is the third track on their first album?
  11. Who likes to tie their hoodie strings?
  12. Which bromance is most popular among the directioners?
  13. Liam shares the same middle name as...??
  14. What is Zayn's middle name?
  15. Who is the youngest in the band?
  16. _______ loves pizza
  17. How many sisters does Liam have?
  18. When did Kevin first appear on the video diaries?
  19. Zayn has been smoking since he was___?
  20. Who sat on the step closest to the camera on the first ever 1D video diary?
  21. Who has a obsession with giraffes?
  22. Who can't swim?
  23. What did Louis stuff in his mouth on the tour video diary filmed in the gym?
  24. What is Zayn's favorite color?
  25. Who came up with the band name?

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