Who Is Your Fave Singer in 1D?

Hi all 1d fans. I made a quiz just for all directioners out there. I am warning you though the quiz as some random questions so do not get mad at me.

Are YOU YES YOU a Harry fan. Are you a niall fan. Are you a zayn fan. Are you a Louis fan. Or a Liam fan. In this quiz you will find out once and for all.

Created by: douaa

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you afraid of spoons?
  2. Are you a blond (random question)?
  3. Do like mix and matching shirts and pants to make a cool outfit?
  4. At last are you a directioner.
  5. Lol this quiz is still going so are you a youtuber.
  6. Who do you think you will end up with?
  7. What is your fav food (this has no effect on your results)?
  8. Did you think the last answer is random?
  9. I ran out of question ideas so just click a random letter cause who knows you get it right.
  10. Haha did you get the last question its about grades hahahhahahahhahahah.

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Quiz topic: Who Is my Fave Singer in 1D?