Who are you most like in ACOTAR???

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This quiz will determine which character from A court of thorns and roses you are most like. From Feyre to Tamlin, this quiz will show you who you relate to most.

You should really take this quiz. Only you profit from it. In order to make this quiz I had to write this paragraph and about seven more you probably will never see.

Created by: Whitney
  1. A child is sitting in the rain, alone. You just spent your last copper on some dried meat. What do you do?
  2. You have been working for months to become the top Illyrian in all of the Night Court but then some unlikely competitor wins instead of you. What do you do?
  3. How do you like to spend your time?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. Are you male, female, or non-binary?
  6. What court do you belong in?
  7. Where would you take a vacation?
  8. What describes you the most?
  9. What is your favorite character?
  10. Finally, who is your fav SJM heroine?

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Quiz topic: Who am I most like in ACOTAR???
