Do you know A Court of Thorns and Roses?

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Want to know how well you know the first book from the ACOTAR series? Take this trivial quiz! Credits for the brilliant plot and characters go to the lovely Sarah J. Maas!

These questions aren't really tiny details, so you shouldn't have a hard time with them. If you haven't read this book, reminder that there are some major spoilers in the quiz.

Created by: Kai Marie
  1. Who is the main protagonist in the first book?
  2. What is her father's name?
  3. What court was she taken to after killing what creature?
  4. Who is the High Lord of the Spring Court
  5. And his trusted Emissary?
  6. Where does Alis take Feyre after coming back from the human land?
  7. What is the answer to Amarantha's riddle: There are those who seek me a lifetime but never we meet,And those I kiss but who trample me beneath ungrateful feet.At times I seem to favor the clever and fair,But I bless all those who are brave enough to dare.By large, my ministrations are soft-handed and sweet,But scorned, I become a difficult beast to defeat.For though each of my strikes lands a powerful blow,When I kill, I do it slow...
  8. How is Feyre revived?
  9. Where does Feyre go after UTM?
  10. When is A Court of Mist and Fury set?
  11. How many more books are after ACOTAR?

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Quiz topic: Do I know A Court of Thorns and Roses?
