Which Throne of Glass Character Are You?

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This quiz determines which character in Sarah J. Maas' Throne of Glass series you most closely resemble. It has eight possible results with fairly detailed descriptions, and it won't ask for your favorite color.

It's probably important to note that I recently finished Empire of Storms in the series, but I haven't read Tower of Dawn or Kingdom of Ash, so anything that happens in those books won't affect the quiz.

Created by: ArcaneAsteroid
  1. Would you like to rule a kingdom?
  2. Which animal of the following options best represents you?
  3. Which quote speaks to you?
  4. How do people perceive you when they first meet you?
  5. What do they learn about you when they get to know you better?
  6. If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
  7. Which of these non-Throne of Glass characters do you most relate to?
  8. Which weapon would you choose?
  9. How do you feel about morality?
  10. Which of these characters not featured in the results is your favorite?
  11. Thank you so much for taking this quiz! I'd love it if you left a rating and/or review. Have a nice day! (won't affect your result)

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Quiz topic: Which Throne of Glass Character am I?

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