What 90's female television character are you?

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This quiz is a fun way to determine which 90's TV show character you most resemble. Through easy and light-hearted questions, you tell us a little about your likes and dislikes, so that we can properly match you with a character.

Are you a child of the 90's? Did you enjoy TV shows like Full House, Boy Meets World, and Rugrats? Take this quiz and find out which female 90's TV show character you most resemble.

Created by: Brittney
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite pastime?
  2. What is your dream job?
  3. What is your favorite movie?
  4. What is your dream vacation?
  5. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
  6. If you were a crayon, which one would you be?
  7. What is your favorite genre of music
  8. Where is your favorite place to shop?
  9. Who is your #mcm? And yes, you may only pick one.
  10. If you were a Disney Princess, which one would you be?

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Quiz topic: What 90's female television character am I?