Tag: Television
- Which genre of TV show do you like the best?: Remastered
- Jun 17, '21
- by themagicalnoob
This quiz will tell you what type of TV show you like the most. There are ten options that you can receive, ranked according to…
- The Classic TV Show Quiz
- Apr 17, '16
- by Daniel Throop
Hello. Welcome to a test to determine your knowledge of Classic and Old TV shows. The series of questions does not deal with…
- Who is the TV parent?
- Jun 9, '08
- by Pat
Are you a TV Junkie? Think you watch a lot of tv? But do you really pay attention? Do you know the last names of the characters…
- 80's Television Quiz
- Jun 2, '08
- by Kris
The 80's, a time that brought us good television, and some pure cheese. Stuff wasn't as violent was it is now, and the closest…
- What TV Show Are You?
- Jan 31, '16
- by Tuesday
What TV show matches your personality? I know you've been dying to know this your whole life. In fact, this is the question…
- Which TV Show best fits you?
- Jul 23, '13
- by Erik
Are you looking for a TV Show? Maybe your looking something adventurous or with action packed fun! Maybe your looking for…
- Bryan's TV Quiz
- Mar 20, '08
- by Bryan
This TV quiz, created by Bryan, is designed to settle the eternal question: Who is better at TV trivia, Justin or Bobak? The…
- 80's TV Trivia Quiz
- Aug 12, '08
- by Donna Buckner
The 1980's. Those were the days! Fast cars - action - drama - hot guys and sexy gals... they had it all. What do you remember…
- Favorite TV Show
- Jun 7, '07
- by joseph mosman
There are many TV shows, why and how do you know what type of TV show you should be watching. So do you have a good sense of…
- Which TV Show Should U B Watchin?
- Sep 3, '06
- by olivea
It is safe to say if you are taking this quiz and own a computer you probably own a TV. Many of us watch what ever is on at the…
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