Who are you in the MHA world? (fem)

Hello! This is my first quiz i might not write anymore but yeah! (i swear im interesting just try it) Never EVER used this before so uh if i can take requests some how i will!

This quiz will determine your importance to the mha world and who you were and what you did. In the end it also gives you your soulmate choosing from Shoto, Bakugo, Denki, Sero, Kirishima, Izuku or Mineta!

Created by: Your mom
  1. Hi <3 This is you in the MHA world for girls! (In the end it will list what you do and who you end up dating)
  2. Whats your clothes style? (Or how you would like to dress)
  3. Whats your personality?
  4. (A little Rp!) You were in the hallways of U.A walking and felt someone touch your shoulder. It was bakugo. He looked angry and you asked him whats wrong and he responded with "I just found out who you had a crush on." (Uh oh!) how do you respond?!
  5. (More Rp!) You got your dorm key and went to your dorm stopping at the common rooms on the way. When you got there you saw Shoto. He walks up to you with his ever stotic face. (What do you do!?)
  6. (MORE RP!!!) You just finished training and were in the locker rooms with the girls. Mina grins. "Soooo! Y/N! Whos your crush!?" (little affect only ones i included in the results)
  7. Its around 5pm on a friday night the sun is setting. You lay in your bed bored. Then you get a text! Its from the girls telling you to come to this party! Your crush is coming! What do you wear?
  8. You got there and it was way more crowded than you expected you searched for the girls but couldnt find them. Then you see your crush and you debate wether or not to go up to him.
  9. You started talking with him and stuff till- BUMP! You bumped into someone and they got mad and spilled their drink on you! What do you do!?
  10. You walked back to the dorms with your crush and when you guys got there he stayed at your dorm for a while theres a pause in the air you two are sitting on your bed facing eachother. (what do you do?)

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Quiz topic: Who am I in the MHA world? (fem)
