which Dorm A Corval High girl are you?

Welcome to Corval High. Have you ever wondered which of the four girls from dorm A (Tahlia, Christine, Jade Lauren) you might be? Well this is the quiz for you!

Hope you enjoy this quiz and the small amount of background that you might gain about the girls from it. This should be a fun and interesting experience for you. I hope you are happy with your final results!

Created by: AnnatheKitten
  1. Are you a people person?
  2. In your free time you can be found in...
  3. Your opinion on dogs?
  4. What do you think of your dormmates?
  5. What's your "type"?
  6. What is your biggest fear?
  7. What makes you a good friend?
  8. Your superhero name would be...
  9. Why would you be chosen for Corval High?
  10. your one craving is.....

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Quiz topic: Which Dorm A Corval High girl am I?

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