How well do YOU know Christine? (Taras older cousin)

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Welcome to the ultimate Christine quiz! Christine is the sassy cuz of mastermind Tara. This quiz is all about how well you know her, and the movies. This quiz is from FlashFlameFilms, the best film company!

The quiz covers every single movie that Christine features in and the questions become pretty hard. So buckle up and find up, how much of a Christine fan you are.

Created by: Nickie
  1. Who is Christine’s cousin?
  2. How old is Christine in the first movie (A girl: Tara)?
  3. In the second movie (Maldives Gone Wrong), Christine mentions being cast as a role in her class play, ‘Romeo & Juliet’. What was it?
  4. In the third movie, (Battle Royale), what colour crop top is Christine wearing at the beginning?
  5. Where do Christine and Jennifer think they’re going on holiday in the fourth movie (Fun Ski Skiing Resort)?
  6. In which movie does Danie (Christine’s boyfriend) break up with her?
  7. What hairstyle does Christine wear in the seventh movie (Tara’s Story), when the movie is in the past?
  8. In Youtube over the Years, how old is Christine when she does her skincare routine?
  9. In the latest movie, (A Tale of Two Grannies), what is the name of Christine’s grandmother?
  10. How do you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Christine? (Taras older cousin)
