Are you eligable to attend Corval High

Can you get into Corval High? Let's find out shall we. Just take the quiz below and soon we'll know. (heh, poet and you know it) Please make an effort to answer truthfully as to get a correct answer for you. GOOD LUCK!

This quiz was created by AnnatheKitten (AKA Lou Petres) the original creator of "Welcome to Corval High" they hope you enjoy this quiz and get a good score.

Created by: AnnatheKitten
  1. How old are you?
  2. Can you do things others can't?
  3. What makes you a good team member?
  4. Which is your strongest value?
  5. A stranger shows up at your doorstep claiming to be a friend of a friend, what do you do?
  6. What is your gender
  7. How do you like to relax?
  8. How well do you manage away from home?
  9. Introvert?
  10. How do you deal with pressure?

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Quiz topic: Am I eligable to attend Corval High
