Who knows me best

This quiz consists of all the questions people always ask and I can never answer. So, I took the time to sit down, think about it, and come up with the right answers. It took a long time and a lot of effort so answer to the best of your ability.

Are YOU a genius, when it comes to knowing me? Well, I guess we are about to find out. Good luck and you better do well!!!!!!!!!! I'm tired and this computer is asking way too much of me right now so, I'm very sorry but if I don't babble on the computer might make me hurt it for annoying me!!!

Created by: shelly

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my favorite color?
  2. Who is my favorite actor?
  3. What year did I graduate?
  4. What is my favorite food?
  5. Who was my first true love?
  6. What is my all time favorite car?
  7. What high school did I graduate from?
  8. How many animals do I have, living with me?
  9. What is my favorite animal?
  10. What is my favorite book?
  11. What is my favorite disney movie?
  12. What is my favorite board game?
  13. What is my favorite time of year?
  14. What is my favorite/most relaxing thing to do in my spare time?
  15. Who was my very best friend before I was even old enough to go to school?

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