And you call yourself my friend...

i have plenty of friends on myspace, but it's time to figure out who really knows me. the questions are not that difficult [if you know me], so take your time and answer the questions to your best ability.

im really gonna test your friendship, but if you think that just because you may not get a high score im not gonna be your friend any more, thats not true. But use this as a learning experince and do your best.

Created by: Michelle
  1. So0o when i was born my parents gave me this name, what is it?
  2. After catholic school from pre-8th grade, i went on to a much bigger high school. Which high school do i attend?
  3. My dad says im only allowed to have one best friend, so0o if i had to choose, who would be my BEST FRIEND?
  4. I LOVE sports, so0o which ones do i play?
  5. I have one and ONLY one favorite, who is it?
  6. There a lot of people named michelle in this world, what does the majority of people call me?
  7. i write notes all the time, and usually write in two different colors, they are my favorite colors. What are they?
  8. if you know me, you'd know i have a dissorder, what is it?
  9. Everyone has those little fetishes. What annoys me the VERY most and i cannot tollerate?
  10. i plan on going to college for quite some time, what is my intended major?
  11. Everyone knows im white, but white is not a nationality. What is my real nationality?
  12. Okay, call me a nerd, but there are just some things in school i enjoy, besides sports. So what is my favorite subject in school?
  13. Yes, if you didnt know, girls always thnk about their future--> husbands, kids, a house, etc. So how many kids do i want to have?
  14. i have a MILLION articles of clothing in my house, if not more. So where do i go shopping most?
  15. If you look at my hands (and ignore the writting) you always see my nails are painted. What do you see the majority of the time?
  16. So0o im 16 and love to spend money. Mommy and Daddy pay for most things, but i needed to start earning money on my own. What is my job//where do i work?
  17. i hate drinking water, it makes me sick. What do i replace water with?
  18. Video games are just not my thing, but what do i love to play, but not very successful at?
  19. i set goals in life, and not just in soccer (lol). What is my goal?
  20. Yeah im a little out of the ordinary, call me crazy if you'd like. Who made me insane?

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Quiz topic: And you call myself my friend...