A date with Shoto Todoroki! ( MHA )

NOTE: On the You shyly _______ ( You'll see ) Its Gave him your _____ Not Fave him your____ ! Anyways, this is a date with Todo at a Fair! This is a small Roleplay, so yeah. This is my first quiz, so I'm learning! Please no hate! :D

Shoutout to: Everybody! Slay the days away, friends! I will do real shoutouts next quiz! I have no idea what to put.... Hi My Guy I Lie So I Die Why Oh Why

Created by: Skileigh
  1. Shoto walks to your door and hands you a slip of paper. You
  2. When you open it, ( if you haven't already, ) It says that you are invited to a fair as a date with shoto. It includes tickets! What do you do?
  3. You look in your closet. What is your outfit?
  4. Hair?
  5. Its the day. You walk to the fair, and see him. He waved at you! You walk up to him, and you:
  6. You eat your dinner you packed and shoto gasps. You say,
  7. He says that he forgot his drink and his wallet! He asks if you have your wallet. ( You choose what your face would look like. )
  8. Do you like dogs? ( This doesn't affect any results )
  9. What about cats?
  10. Dog cat breed. What would you name it? ( Non affect-int )

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