Does Shoto like you as a person?

Well, this quiz serves the purpose to tell you if you are or ARENT a likable person to Shoto Todoroki. Don’t worry, maybe you’re still a likable person to him even if you have some bad traits and personality.

How this Quiz works is that you have to answer around 10 questions (I think about 10.) and you will get an answer whether you are or not a Likable person to him.

Created by: Ian
  1. Are you a social person, or a quiet type of person?
  2. Do you like him for his looks, or the person he is?
  3. If Shoto tripped and fell on the ground, what would you do?
  4. If Shoto asked what you liked about him, what would you say/do?
  5. Do you like being alone and by yourself, or do you like hanging out with others and being social?
  6. You're walking down the hallway at school and notice Shoto standing alone, looking a little isolated. What do you do
  7. How much do you know about him?
  8. Whose his favorite person?
  9. Do you think you’re likable to him in general?
  10. If a waiter accidentally spills your drink all over your face, what would you do?

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