Hawks or Todoroki?

This quiz will determine who out of Hawks and Mr. Daddy Issues (Shoto) will be more fit to be your bsf. I don’t know what else to write so ignore any random things

I might do a separate quiz for girls, and I’ll just see what happens from there. ♡♡☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ here are some free faces!(*'ω'*)^ - ^( ◠‿◠ ) <3333333

Created by: My name is Keiko
  1. Do you like to crack a joke once in a while?
  2. Do you like to ignore people ?
  3. Who do you want to be best friends with? (Doesn’t effect your results)
  4. Which of these describes you more?
  5. what’s your favourite subject in school? PT 1
  6. What is your favourite subject? PT 2
  7. Are you a meme lord?
  8. What’s your favourite animal
  9. Would you be described as:
  10. Do you think or know you have ADHD?

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