Who are you in Kane Chronicles?

Welcome to the Kane Chronicles quiz! Ever wondered what your life would be like in Kane Chronicles? Well, this quiz will give you the answer. You could be practically anything, but not a Demon, God, or anything from different mythology.

The possible results you could get are Godling, Blood of the Pharaohs, Scribe, and Mortal. If you get Mortal, take a quiz to find out if you’re Greek, Roman, or Norse! But please try not to be too disappointed.

Created by: MC
  1. You are faced with a crossroads, with four different roads. Where do you go?
  2. You are trying to escape from the House of Life. You are faced with two stone sphinxes. How do you react?
  3. What is your age? (Sorry)
  4. Gender?
  5. Back to the good stuff. Brooklyn House is under attack. Which god’s power to you channel?
  6. Which god/goddess would you host?
  7. Would you rather save your friends, or destroy your enemies?
  8. Which Kane Chronicles person would you date?
  9. What is your favorite animal an why?
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Who am I in Kane Chronicles?
