Kane Chronicles: Path of the Gods quiz.

All you magicians who don't know what path you should take, come this way and find out! Once you find out the path you'll take, it will be easy to find what type of magician you are.

Sadly, we do not have all the paths here but if you feel it is for you then great! If not, oh well. We hope we can support what path you should take correctly.

Created by: Maddok Groneman
  1. What do you know about The Kane Chronicles?
  2. Favorite character.
  3. Where would you be in a battle?
  4. What part of the 24th Nome is your favorite?
  5. What style do you like best?
  6. Choose a color.
  7. Favorite God/Goddess.
  8. Do you like reading?
  9. What magic would you study?
  10. Which book was your favorite?
  11. Choose a symbol.
  12. Choose a weapon.
  13. Do you take tests?
  14. Pick an animal.
  15. Pick an element.
  16. How would you rate this quiz?
  17. Well It isn't done yet!
  18. Three questions left. 1) What Kane Chronicles character would you date?
  19. 2) What is your downfall?
  20. 3) Last question. Amazing! You made it without breaking the device! Are you excited to see your result?

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