How much do you know about Kane Chronicles?

This is the ultimate Kane Chronicles quiz, where you test your knowledge. Are you a full-fledged expert, a good-enough-to-pass, or have you simply not read the books at all?

In this quiz, you’ll be faced with ten questions that you may or may not be able to answer, with varying levels of difficulty, from as easy as names to as hard as who follows the path of who.

Created by: MC
  1. Who is Sadie dating?
  2. Which part of Ra’s soul did Zia have?
  3. Name the initiate who summons ice and the initiate who follows the path of Geb.
  4. What is the name of Carter’s pet griffin?
  5. And the name of Bast’s host was:
  6. Who is Cleo following the path of?
  7. Age of Sadie and Carter
  8. Who is Carter’s girlfriend?
  9. Who says this? “It’s amazing how much dusting and cleaning one can achieve by attach large dusting cloths to the wings of a griffin.”
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Kane Chronicles?
