Who are you from PJO?

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In this quiz you will find out which PJO character you are most like, though the only options are Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Nico, Thalia, and Luke. Good luck!

(I hate the “two-paragrapghs-are-needed” thing.) Please answer honestly, and if you don’t get who you wanted, then sorry. I just made this as accurate as I could.

Created by: ChildOfHades_714
  1. (I know a lot of people hate this part, but) Which is your favorite color of the following?
  2. What power would you choose?
  3. Would you join Kronos and his army?
  4. Favorite Greek god/goddess below?
  5. Which one of these describes you the best?
  6. What scares you the most?
  7. Pick a weapon.
  8. Where would you like to be the most?
  9. Pick a number (yes, it does matter. A bit.)
  10. Just answer this.

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Quiz topic: Who am I from PJO?
