Do you know Percy, Annabeth, and Grover

This is a quiz asking some questions to see what you know about Percy Annabeth and Grover I hope you get the result you wanted so enjoy my quiz and comment on what you think.

Warning if you watched the movies and not read the books then you will probably not get a good result the movies are missing a lot so you’d better read up on the books.

Created by: Charlie
  1. Why does Percy like blue so much?
  2. When did Annabeth run away
  3. How old is Grover in the lightning thief
  4. How many schools has Percy been to
  5. What does Annabeth want to be when she grows up and what is she rewarded in the last Olympian
  6. What is Percy offered in the last Olympian
  7. What was Grover rewarded with in the last Olympian
  8. When are Grover Annabeth and Percy’s birthdays (in this order)
  9. Are grovers parents
  10. Percy has
  11. Annabeth has

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Quiz topic: Do I know Percy, Annabeth, and Grover
