Whitch one of my favourite hybrids are you?

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Hi this is my first EVER quiz so don't be mad if it's not as long as other quizes and blah blah bllaaahhhh time consuming blaahhnh and stuff thanks for doing my quiz!

So if you want to get more share this quiz whith friends and I'll make another wof one! I'm thing a shipping one but idk. Its too fun to stop anyway yay.

Created by: Merryn
  1. What is your favourite habitat from this list?
  2. What is your favourite thing to do?
  3. who is more handsome ( for girls)
  4. Who is more handsome( for boys)
  6. Who is better?
  7. Do you like this quiz?
  8. What is your favourite tribe?
  9. Avocado
  10. This is the last one; dream destination?

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Quiz topic: Whitch one of my favourite hybrids am I?
