Girls only boy friend quiz wings of fire

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I don't know where the plot when whiththis but hey I liked it BTW the hiveqing who toxined you is called mayfly and she can inject controlling toxin and normal toxin

I find it pretty cool and I like rp so there may be a LOVE STORY WOF MIND CONTROL saga soon hehe anyway hope you enjoyed man quiz and stuufffffffff la la blah blah

Created by: Merryn dickinson
  1. Do you like role-playing? This quiz is roleplay!
  2. Your a raining dragnet and you like a nightwing how do you ask him?
  3. Jade Mountain you and star speaker are together but not claw mates :(. A haughty looking icewing comes into your cave and says: are you passionfurit?you say yes "well you look amazing
  4. You and star speaker have been at jade mountain for a month and during a class you get knocked out cold...
  5. When you awake you surrounded by darkness and you hear a clank and another..
  6. You emmedietly get muzzled "don't be stupid your just another test subject"
  7. A toxin gets shot into your veins and you now know he is a hive wing but your thoughts stop as SO much pain is injected into your body... you hear another voice: STOP I LOVE HER ILL FIGHT YOU and then you faint from pain
  8. When you wake up your In your cave at jade Mountain, you know it won't a dream since you have 2 pinpricks of blood cuts when that toxin must have happened
  9. You shug and try to walk out but you can't you can bearly move, a dragon comes in its star speaker he asks if your OK and don't worry if you can't move a hive wing used toxin. On you
  10. Well when you can move your eyes go blank and you under control by that hivewong.....

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