Which Wings of Fire Pyrrhia dragon tribe are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Which Wings of Fire Pyrrhia dragon tribe are you?
Which Wings of Fire Pyrrhia dragon tribe are you?
Your Result: Ooooh a MudWing! 18%
You have brown scales.You have amber or gold underscales. You care a lot about your family and friends. You are also very gentle and kind.
18% Woohoo! SeaWing!
18% You got RainWing!
18% Cool! A SandWing!
0% Congratulations! You are a SkyWing!
0% You are an IceWing!
0% A NightWinginteresting! I didn't know I would be a mudwing. I do consider myself more of an ice wing though.
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