Are you a Cowboy, a Pirate or a Samurai?

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All of us are one of the three types of people: cowboys, pirates and samurais. Nothing more nothing less. It's important to know which one you are. What if a hot girl asks you and you dont know? Exactly

Every type is different and there's nothing in between. I personally have a favorite but will you get what you wanted??? Hope you will and good luck baby :3

Created by: Kupolg
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Choose a season!!
  3. What would you eat out of these options?
  4. What would you drink out of these?
  5. What would you do in your free time?
  6. How would you describe your style?
  7. How would your friends describe you?!
  8. What animal is your favorite?
  9. What music do you listen to?
  10. What do you think of this quiz???

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Quiz topic: Am I a Cowboy, a Pirate or a Samurai?
