Which wings of Fire character is you

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A quiz to test who you are in the dragon world. Phyria is not a little world where there’s just the characters there’s lots more you can be than that.

Come check it out now you’ll find who you are now so you can live like them. Put you traits in here and your dragon test results will pop up enjoy my quiz!

Created by: Liam Gies
  1. What best describes you?
  2. You are assigned to kill a friend what will you do?
  3. How are you in school?
  4. What job will you do?
  5. Are you goth smart or dumb or dark
  6. Are you a tribe
  7. Are you lazy or working
  8. Whitch character do you like most
  9. How do you like this quiz so far?
  10. What skill are you good at?

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