What's your dragon in Wings of Fire?

Have you ever wondered what your dragon would be like in the daring land of Phyria? Learn now who your winged character would be! There are seven unique turnouts.

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Created by: StormHawk
  1. Where would you live?
  2. If you were a dragon, would you like treasure, gold, and jewelry?
  3. Let's play the scenario game. Say you're in a battle. You see your queen being attacked by and enemy tribe, you own mother and father are bleeding to much, and your brother and sister fighting of too many soldiers. Who do you save? (only one)
  4. On which side of the war was your tribe on?
  5. Another roleplay! A Seawing has entered your territory. What do you do?
  6. Do you fly or swim?
  7. "I'm sorry!" *dives into river* What's your favorite color?
  8. What's your favorite animal?
  9. What are you like?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz!

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Quiz topic: What's my dragon in Wings of Fire?
