Which Watchmen Member are you?

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Watchmen is a graphic novel series that has been adapted into a film and tv show, the members of the Crimebusters Watchmen include, Nite Owl, Silk Spectre, Dr Manhattan, Ozymandis, Rorschach, and The Coemdian

When you take the quiz, you shall figure out which member you are most likely closest to and alike. So enjoy the quiz hopefully, good luck on getting a character you want I guess.

Created by: Devaughn Simpson
  1. How do others describe you?
  2. Weapon/Tool of choice:
  3. Favorite Color?
  4. Do you like animals?
  5. What do you like to wear?
  6. Choose something random:
  7. Favorite comic book character:
  8. Who do you think you are?
  9. Are you a Sociopath
  10. Choose a job

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Quiz topic: Which Watchmen Member am I?
