Which Warrior Cats character are you?

Hi!!! Are you a Warrior Cats fan? If you are, please take this quiz! If you aren’t, I still want you to take this quiz! I’m not sure what to say, so I’m just gonna say some random Warrior Cats characters names!

Tawnypelt Brambleclaw Squirrelflight Leafpool Firestar Ashfur Voletooth Mothwing Leopardstar Mistyfoot Hawkfrost Reedwhisker Onestar Ashfoot Crowfeather Stormfur Feathertail Graystripe! Have fun with the quiz! (Just so you know, this quiz is a little short.)

Created by: Candypuppy
  1. I love Warrior Cats!
  2. Do you like ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, or RiverClan?
  3. How would your friends describe you?
  4. Which character do you wish to be?
  5. If you were a cat, what color would you be?
  6. How do you like this quiz so far?
  7. Do you want this quiz to be over?
  8. Which of the books below is your favorite?
  9. Which Warriors series is your favorite one?
  10. This quiz is nearly over! Are you happy?
  11. Last question! How old are you?

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Quiz topic: Which Warrior Cats character am I?
