Which Warrior Cat From The New Prophecy Are You

What cat from the New Prophecy would you be? Hawkfrost, Brambleclaw, Leafpool, Crowfeather, or Sorreltail? Now you can find out in a few minutes by taking this quiz.

There are many cats in The New Prophecy, but of course I couldn't do them all. I chose some of the main characters with different personalities. I hope you like this quiz.

Created by: Craterstar
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your attitude?
  2. Eye color?
  3. Pelt color?
  4. You're on a walk alone and a cat from an enemy Clan pounces on you and pins you down. Quick! What do you do?
  5. An apprentice from an enemy Clan strays onto you territory. What do you do?
  6. You're alone on a hunting mission. A patrol a four cats: two warriors and two apprentices, ambush you. What do you do?
  7. Pretend you are a queen in the nursery. Your kits are sleeping and you are exhausted. It's leafbare and there isn't a lot of prey. What do you do.
  8. What do you like to do in your spare time? (If you were a warrior)
  9. Would you have kits?

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Quiz topic: Which Warrior Cat From The New Prophecy am I