Warrior Cats - Tale of Love! She-cats only :3

Hi! I'm Wildheart (or at least that's my Warrior Cat name) and this is my first quiz. Welcome to the wild as a she-cat of ThunderClan, with plenty of toms to pad after.

It's not a very long quiz, just 18 questions... Have fun and don't forget to rate and leave a comment :D And... I need more words. Um... ADSHAL AS ADS A IM SORRY FOR THIS XD

Created by: wildheart
  1. You wake up to find three young tomcats staring at you. "Hi! Come and play!" says one called Hawkkit, he has brown fur and bright green eyes. The other one, Flamekit, nods. Snowkit just sits there.
  2. Flamekit tosses the ball to you. He's strong for a kit; it lands in the other side of camp... in front of the leader's den. "Uh oh," says Snowkit, "who's gonna get it?"
  3. You all end up going. You slowly creep towards Treestar's den... when he walks out of it. "Ah, you seem excited," he says. "Sorry, Treestar," you whimper. "Sorry for what? No, it seems good that you're ready for your apprentice ceremony!" says Treestar. He gets onto the Highledge and gives you all apprentice names. (Who knew it was your ceremony today?!)
  4. *Timeskip to training* Your mentor has taught you to hunt, and you're trying your moves out for the first time. You easily catch a mouse and pigeon. "Nice work," says Hawkpaw. That's when the FOX comes. Flamepaw jumps on its back and it scuttles away.
  5. You carry your fresh-kill back to camp and report the fox to your mentor. Then... (FINALLY!) you can actually EAT SOMETHING. "Wanna eat with me?" says Snowpaw, kind of shyly.
  6. It's almost time for a good night's sleep, but you scent fox again. You walk out of camp and come face to face with the same fox. "I'll shred her to bits," comes a voice; that's Flamepaw! "It's a him, not a her," says Snowpaw. "And I care because...?" says Flamepaw. "Because a male is bigger," says Snowpaw. Flamepaw opens his mouth to argue...
  7. The toms stop arguing as you rake the fox's muzzle. Flamepaw joins you and you fight side by side. But where's Snowpaw? The white cat rushes back with Hawkpaw, and they join in. Suddenly Hawkpaw bites your leg...
  8. You give the fox a warning bite. It gets the message and darts off. "We did it!" you whoop. But Snowpaw and Flamepaw are glaring at Hawkpaw. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF STARCLAN WERE YOU DOING?" they yowl. "I'm sorry, I was aiming for the fox!" Hawkpaw says. Flamepaw shrugs and starts licking the wound Hawkpaw accidentally gave you. Snowpaw looks envious.
  9. You get back to camp. The toms help you towards the medicine cat den. The medicine cat, Mintleaf, starts wrapping your leg in cobwebs. "You can go now," says Mintleaf to the toms. But they stay firmly in place. "Hm. Which do you want to stay with you?" Mintleaf asks you.
  10. Okay, so whatever you chose, Hawkpaw is staying with you. The two other toms sulk and walk out. Mintleaf has gone too, to fetch more cobwebs. Hawkpaw just stares at you. Or is he getting closer...? You shuffle backwards. He might be trying to hurt you again. But he licks your cheek.
  11. Days later, your leg has healed and you're out patrolling. "Okay," says Rainwhisker, "let's mark territory." Snowpaw starts eagerly, but then frowns, "It smells of ShadowClan." Rainwhisker checks and realises ShadowClan is taking territory... they've been doing this for moons!
  12. Hawkpaw comes over to your side. He puts his tail round yours. Flamepaw frowns at Hawkpaw. Snowpaw is glaring too. You dash away, nervous with all those stares. You keep running, and BAM. You've crashed slap-bang into a ShadowClan warrior.
  13. You snarl at the warrior, "You've been stealing ThunderClan territory!" The warrior laughs. She doesn't care. You get ready to pounce, looking at her eyes but aiming for her paws. The trick works. She's off balance. Flamepaw comes rushing in to help.
  14. You hear pawsteps. There are more ShadowClan warriors. Then the ThunderClan warriors appear by your side. "We will end this once and for all!" screeches Rainwhisker. The Clans leap into battle. You scratch at a black tom. Snowpaw joins you. The black tom runs away quickly, with Snowpaw on his back. Snowpaw falls off and there's a particularly awkward moment when he lands on you...
  15. ShadowClan is backing off. Rainwhisker comes round to see if everyone's fine. "Apprentices, you did well," he says, "and there's a treat for you in camp!" You bounce up and down like a kit. "I'm pretty sure it's some nice fresh-kill!" Flamepaw says, flicking your cheek with his tail. Hawkpaw pushes him aside, "Yeah, pretty sure it is!" Flamepaw looks annoyed. Then Snowpaw comes up, "Of course it is." He turns to you. "Right?"
  16. Soon you're back at camp. Rainwhisker smiles at you. But... there's nothing special on the fresh-kill pile. Then Treestar says, "Apprentices, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?" (I hope that's right, I can't remember the exact words lol.) You say, "YESSSS!" Then he gives you warrior names...
  17. Moonhigh is coming. Wildheart is your name. This is your Clan. You smile and hold your head high. You're going to have to do your silent vigil soon. Suddenly the three toms pad up to you. "So, Beautiful," says Hawkfur, "we wanna ask you a question." You shrug: you can already guess! "Which of us do you like?" says Snowpelt. "It can only be one," says Flamewhisker. They look at you eagerly. This is your chance to take a mate. You look them in the eyes and utter one name...
  18. Okay, so that's the end of this quiz. It's my first one, so I hope you liked it. Don't forget to comment :D and have a great day!

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