Which warrior cat are you? :D

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A cat is calling your peeps names... A little role play topic should suit the quiz... "Bluestar, where is Tigerstar for the meeting with the new comer?" Firestar whisperes. "Oh may Starclan ban him from here!" Bluestar mutters. "Im here people!" Tigerstar blabs...

Out of all these leaders, which of them are YOU!?! Should of named it "Which warrior cat leader are you" But naaaah... "Hey we are ready here!" Bluesar mumbles. "Yas" Firestar grunts. "DIE!" Tigerstar- AHHHH RUN!!!!

Created by: Fluffybutt
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Okay, lets star off with a role play :3 "The stars move in a un-believe able way..." What is your reply? :3
  2. Oh by the way there are a couple of role play questions... Feathereye jumped onto the ground, tasting the air before moving on. "(says your name) i smell Shadowclan..." You turn your head towards a moving bush, and cats flood out of it. What is your reaction?
  3. Last role play question!!! Say your a new born kit and you FINALLY open your eyes.... This is the story: (Your name) opens her/his eyes, taking in the scene. "(Your name)kit, you finally opened your eyes! Im very proud." Your mother says softly. "Would you like to meet your sisters?" What would you reply?
  4. I lied, this is really the last role play question: Darkclaw slashed your pelt, making (your hair color) turn red, your laying their, dying. Then your mate comes up to you. What are your last words? D:
  5. Okay, real question time... What do you do if saying says. "You smell like cheese"
  6. Omg i had the best idea eva! What if i came up to you and said, "Poop corn!" When i ment to say Pop Corn, your reply?
  7. Okay okay okay, im getting serious now. Favorite food?
  8. Looooooooooool... Anyways, what if you were falling and falling and falling and... I can go on but i wont... What is your reaction?
  9. Alright so now i have a AWESOME question! Say its Leafbare and its snowing whats your reaction?
  10. Im... So... tired... Halp...
  11. LAST QUESTION BEFORE MY FINGERS FALL OFF!!! What is something that is like a theme song to you?
  12. LOL I TRICKED YOU... Im typing with my nose because my fingers just fell off... LAST QUESTION... Do you believe in... FAIRIES!!?!?! :o

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Quiz topic: Which warrior cat am I? :D