Your Warrior Cat Suffix!

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There are so many Warrior Cat suffixes, it might be almost impossible to name them all. One, but only one, will suit you. But there remains one question: What is your full Clan name?

This quiz will tell the answer once and for all: a true warrior or medicine cat suffix, not for just any cat, but for your fitting, too. Are you ready to be a warrior or medicine cat, a fully named cat in the eyes of Starclan? Then take this quiz!

Created by: Pansypetal

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are a kit in the nursery, the daughter of *insert here your favorite male warrior* and *insert here your favorite female warrior*. What would you rather do during your "kithood"?
  2. It's the day before your apprentice ceremony. What are you looking forward to?
  3. It's time! You finally get your new name and your mentor is a warrior/medicine cat named Fallowflight. What do you guys do first?
  4. What do you think your favorite part of being an apprentice is?
  5. Now, say you're finding yourself fall in love with a cat from a different clan. Do you continue (or start) meeting this cat?
  6. Your clan is getting attacked by a rival clan! How do you react?
  7. Near the end of the battle, your best friend goes to Starclan. How do you deal?
  8. A few moons later, you see the tom/she-cat you love at a Gathering. It turns out she/he loves you too, and she/he wants you to visit him tonight, while all the other cats are sleeping! What do you say/do?
  9. You finally get your warrior/medicine cat name. Which name would you rather have out of these?
  10. The time has come. You have made your way through a harsh yet adventurous lifetime. Now, only fate can decide your full, true Clan name.

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Quiz topic: My Warrior Cat Suffix!